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def wait_for_port(host: str = LOOPBACK_ADDRESS,
                  port: int = MEMGRAPH_DEFAULT_PORT,
                  delay: float = 0.01,
                  timeout: float = 5.0,
                  backoff: int = 2) -> None

Wait for a TCP port to become available.


  • host - A string representing the IP address that is being checked.
  • port - A string representing the port that is being checked.
  • delay - A float that defines how long to wait between retries.
  • timeout - A float that defines how long to wait for the port.
  • backoff - An integer used for multiplying the delay.


  • TimeoutError - Raises an error when the host and port are not accepting connections after the timeout period has passed.


def wait_for_docker_container(container,
                              delay: float = 0.01,
                              timeout: float = 5.0,
                              backoff: int = 2) -> None

Wait for a Docker container to enter the status running.


  • container - The Docker container to wait for.
  • delay - A float that defines how long to wait between retries.
  • timeout - A float that defines how long to wait for the status.
  • backoff - An integer used for multiplying the delay.


  • TimeoutError - Raises an error when the container isn't running after the timeout period has passed.

MemgraphInstance Objects

class MemgraphInstance(ABC)


def start_and_connect(restart: bool = False) -> "Memgraph"

Start the Memgraph instance and return the connection object.


  • restart - A bool indicating if the instance should be restarted if it's already running.


def start(restart: bool = False) -> None

Start the Memgraph instance.


  • restart - A bool indicating if the instance should be restarted if it's already running.


def stop() -> Any

Stop the Memgraph instance.

MemgraphInstanceBinary Objects

class MemgraphInstanceBinary(MemgraphInstance)

A class for managing Memgraph instances started from binary files on Unix systems.


  • binary_path - A string representing the path to a Memgraph binary file.
  • user - A string representing the user that should start the Memgraph process.


def is_running() -> bool

Check if the Memgraph instance is still running.

MemgraphInstanceDocker Objects

class MemgraphInstanceDocker(MemgraphInstance)

A class for managing Memgraph instances started in Docker containers.


  • docker_image - An enum representing the Docker image. Values: DockerImage.MEMGRAPH and DockerImage.MAGE.
  • docker_image_tag - A string representing the tag of the Docker image.


def is_running() -> bool

Check if the Memgraph instance is still running.